Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, February 9th is the day Jim and I purchased our new home in Tennessee. We did our happy dance in the garage and it is so nice to have a garage again. My dear car, Alice, has been parked in the snow and ice for almost 3 months now, so I am excited to just pull into the garage again.

I saged and blessed our home this afternoon and the home has taken on a beauty that comes with our lives. As we carried in item after item, and box after box, it felt like the house was coming to life. Our 3 grandsons also brought a tremendous energy to our home, and our daughter, Liz and her husband Thadeus were there to cheer us on and to help with moving.

We are back in the apartment for the night, but I am looking forward to tomorrow when I will return to our new house and begin to unpack some of our boxes. As I unpack I will have the Joy of watching our lives take shape right before my eyes.

Here's to the Journey!

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