Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Puppy Lessons

Tonight Jim and I attended our first of three puppy classes to learn how to train a puppy a/k/a John Wayne. However, I think that John Wayne is actually training us to train him. A life circle - we train him, he trains us, we train him, he trains us!

The instructor is a man who has worked with animals all of his life, and who has great respect for the animals he works with - and all animals in general. He told us that having a dog is a luxury. I have never thought of it that way, but now that I heard the words, I can process them into a meaningful belief.

We do not Have to Have a dog! So having John Wayne is a luxury, or maybe a better word is a blessing. As I look at all the things in my life that I take for granted, I see that I am surrounded by luxuries, a/k/a blessings. So thank you John Wayne for the puppy lesson. You have helped me to count my blessings.

Here's to the Ride!

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