Sunday, March 14, 2010

My 3 grandsons came to spend some time with me this afternoon. The youngest, Fynneus, followed me into my laundry room and happened to spot my dust mop. He told me that he "loves" to mop. So I handed the mop to him and told him to go work on my living and dinning room wood floors. Soon Rollin and Tucker were wanting a mop too, so I gathered up 2 more, and away they went. Mopping the wood floor like you wouldn't believe. They were happy and singing, and every few minutes I would have them trade mops. They loved the trading part, and were very sweet to each other when it came time to switch.

And this is how they are about everything in life. Wanting to experience it all - at least once. Sometimes they may not like the "new" thing, but they at least want to try it and then they file it away in their hearts, and they will know next time if this is something they like or dislike. That is special. I often forget that it is good to try new things, to try everything, to look for new experiences and all that life has to offer.

So after they scrubbed and scrubbed my beautiful wood floor, Fynneus did a little break dancing for us and headed off to the "pink" bedroom for his nap. Rollin and Tucker and I played charades and rummaged through my Florida sea shells again. That is what Sunday afternoons are made of. That is what Joy is made of.

Here's to the Journey!

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