Monday, May 3, 2010

I stayed up late Sunday night and finished painting the stairway that Jim and I started that morning. We allowed part of our Sunday to be "lazy" and then we felt like we had to get some chores done. I knew that today I would pick up Tucker, Rollin and Fynneus, so I wanted these chores out of the way.

I took the boys to Johnson park this morning. They rode bikes and scooters, then went roller skating, then played on swings. We came home and had lunch, made homemade banana pudding, rode bikes again, and played tennis. When Jim came home, I packed them, and the banana pudding up, and sent them home to their mom and dad.

I love the role of Nanna. It was so much fun to show them how to make banana pudding. It would have been much easier to just make this myself, but instead, I got out 3 cutting boards with butter knives, and showed them how to cut up 2 bananas each. Then they took turns layering vanilla cookies and bananas and they were delighted with their contribution. I know they will enjoy eating it tonight, after dinner, and they will be so very proud that they made this delicious dish. We always feel so good when we help, when we create. I love allowing this creation in my home and in my kitchen. They are coming back over tomorrow, I wonder what we will create this time.

Here's to the Journey!

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