Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stone Blessings

After weeks and weeks of searching for my lost diamond, I finally chose a diamond from the jewelry store tonight. They are setting the diamond in my wedding set and we can pick it up tomorrow evening.

And so I add this wonderful little stone to the things in my life that I am grateful for. I know that the diamond is not love, but it represents so many years that Jim and I have been together. It represents our life to me and I am grateful for the replacement stone.

In about 4 weeks, it will be exactly 37 years ago that Jim gave me my engagement ring. It was my birthday and only 4 months before our wedding date. He brought me a dozen red roses, which absolutely thrilled me and then surprised me at dinner with this beautiful ring. I was so excited I kept pinching myself to be sure I was wide awake. I remember getting up a dozen times in the night to turn on the light and look at my beautiful sparkling diamond. I had never owned anything so beautiful!

Now, all these years later, I am hoping I can sleep tonight as I wait for my new diamond. I am hoping that I can speed through the day tomorrow so that I can at last feel my ring on my hand - and see the sparkling again.

I am grateful for this beautiful life - blessed with this little stone!

Here's to the Ride!

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