Monday, July 26, 2010

Looking for Angels

I forgot to mention that yesterday when Liz and her family were here that Tucker and Rollin asked if I would take them to the attics to look for Angels. Of course I agreed and they rushed off to find their flashlights.

I'm not sure why the boys think that if I have Angels in my house (which I do) that they would be in the attic, but I am all for helping them look. Our house is designed in a way that we have two attics with easy access. The first one is off the media room upstairs and the second is off the guest bedroom walk in closet. We quietly entered the first attic and the boys shined their lights all around. Both agreed they saw nothing and we headed for the second attic. This attic is a little bigger and we searched every nook and cranny, high and low, but they agreed again that they saw nothing - not even a mouse. (Tucker confided to me that he thought he would at least see a mouse even if he didn't see an Angel.) We all traipsed downstairs more than a little disappointed that no Angels were spotted.

As for me - I got another lesson in Joy! Joy is beautiful, innocent grandsons looking for Angels in Nanna's house.

Here's to the Journey!

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