Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another Joyful day coming to a close. I find myself looking forward to the end of the day when I can sit quietly for a few moments and reflect on all that has unfolded. And then write about the unfolding.

I have had a most beautiful day beginning with Rollin, (4 years old) climbing in bed with us and telling us how to play the whispering game. Later playing Fish with Rollin, and a short shopping trip with Liz, and then dinner with Liz, Tucker, Rollin & Fynneus at our house. And then wrapping the day up with a card game of "spoons".

So now as I sit down to write about this marvelous day, I feel Joy that is beyond words. Again I look up the definition of Joy to be reassured that it fully describes what I feel: Joy [joi] noun, a feeling of great pleasure or happiness; tears of joy, the joy of being alive. Joy is derived from the word rejoice.

So I rejoice in my reflection of this day, as I look forward to all the days to come!

Here's to the Journey!

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