Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Building History

It is Wednesday morning and I have missed writing for two days - but with good excuse! Our beautiful friends from Michigan, Larry & Alma, just spent a couple of days with us on their way home from Florida.

It is always good to be with dear friends. To recount stories from our vacations together. Skiing in Michigan. Beach walks on Amelia Island. Sunning in Cozumel and so more! Story after story, memory after memory bubbling to the surface to bring all of us to smiles and to laughter!

To our stories have been added sons-in-laws, grand children (they have 8 we have 3), retirements and new travels. Every story, every memory adds to the bond of our friendship. Every minute spent together strengthens the love and respect we have for each other.

Now our friends are heading home to be with their families and we will settle back into the routine of our lives. But these past two days will not be forgotten and our next time together will include stories of this visit. Joy is building history with wonderful friends!

Here's to the Ride!

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