Sunday, May 13, 2012

Knowing it all

Saturday as we hiked through the blue ridge mountains, along a beautiful lush creek, I was reminded how blessed I am to have married some one who knows it all.  Jim (although not arrogantly) knows everything about everything we do together.  He knows how fast to drive, which lane to be in and when it's time to switch drivers.  He knows how to use a pocket knife (cut away from the body - not towards) He knows how to climb down a steep trail (turn your feet sideways so that you don't fall face first) and he knows how to get back up that steep trail.  He knows to break off a small limb to swish spider webs out of the way when walking through the lush greenery of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and he knows that the rocks by the water are probably slippery.

I, on the other hand, know quite arrogantly, that Jim loves me beyond measure.  He values my company, and is always concerned about  my safety.  I like to drive fast using all the lanes.  I like to use my pocket knife in all directions, I like to size of a hill and then head for the least steep area - therefore not requiring a sideways step, and I like to let Jim walk up the trail first so that I am not hit in the face with spider webs.  Oh - and I know the rocks are slippery too - but that's not going to stop me.

But still - as we walked through the mountains yesterday and Jim knowingly gave me directions (for my own safety) I could not help but smile at the love that I knew he felt for me.  As we walked high in the Blue Ridge Mountains I marveled at this love that unendingly tries to guide, to protect, and to shelter me.

Yes!  I am blessed.  And I am wrapped always in the knowing arms of love.

Here's to the Good Life!

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