Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Today as I sat on "hold" with one of our travel partners, a kind voice came on the phone about every 90 seconds to remind me that I am important and that a "Travelista" would be right with me.  As far as I know I had never spoken to a Travelista so I was excited for this new experience.

It turns out "my Travelista" was Doc and everything on his itinerary was full. The experience was not quite what I expected. (I was picturing one of those Fashionista's from the TJ Max commercial) Somehow I couldn't picture Doc with high heels, wearing a beautiful dress and loaded with shopping bags from Max and Marshall's walking arm in arm with 3 other friends.  It just didn't sync for me.

However, being the lover of words that I am, I Googled Travelista to find out if it really is a word, and if it really has a definition.  Turns out it is! And it does!  And quite a few people are using it.  Who knew?

The definition, according to the Urban Dictionary, is: A travelista is like a fashionista--but for travel. The fashionista is always up on the latest fashion trends and always looks top-notch.The travelista is always traveling to some new and exotic locale and is not dissuaded by any world turmoil.  I am beginning to like this!

But surely a Travelista isn't always traveling to an exotic locale.  Doesn't he -or she have to "travel" to the grocery store?  Wouldn't a "real" Travelista have to do all the mundane things that everybody else does in-between the exotic travels?  And Really, couldn't we all be referred to as a Travelista???!!  

I am always traveling to some locale! I am a Travelista!

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