In March, 2009, I took a class for Level II Reiki. I had completed Level I the previous November and have felt that this introduction to Reiki was a turning point in my spiritual growth. At the end of each session, our instructor, Patricia, gave each of us a special stone to mark these wonderful occasions. I carry my stones with me most of the time, and had them tucked in my jeans pocket on moving day 3 weeks ago. When I emptied my pockets at the end of the day, I realized that I had lost the stone that was given to me for the second class. It is a beautiful light green stone and I always carry it in my right pocket. I remembered at the end of the day, pulling a piece of paper from my pocket and fleetingly recalling that something may have dropped as I was loading things into my car. I felt a twinge of sadness knowing that I had lost my special stone that marked a new direction in my life. I decided I would just continue to cherish the lesson of Reiki, and release the stone.
However, last Friday I went to our apartment to turn over the mail key. I had already turned over the other keys and could not access the apartment at this time. As I was driving to the apartment complex office, I intuitively decided to check the grass by the sidewalk where I was loading on moving day. And there, laying in the grass, 2 and 1/2 weeks later was my Reiki II stone. I cannot describe the Joy I felt at seeing this stone laying there, undisturbed, and unnoticed by all the people that had walked by it.
I thought of this story today as I was getting dressed, and carefully putting my stones deep into my pockets, and I felt very grateful that I still have my symbol of Reiki that I can carry with me every day. But even most importantly, I love that these stones remind me of the power and the symbols of Reiki, and I know that I am blessed with this wonderful life sustaining energy that is Reiki. And I remember with gladness the Five Reiki Principles:
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I let go of worry.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will be earnest in my work.
Just for today, I will honor every living thing.
Here's to the Journey!
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