Monday, December 3, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Old Routines - New Location
As we settle in to our home in Louisville, I find that we quite easily modify our old routines to fit this new city. My early morning walks are just as spectacular as they always have been. The drive to town is becoming more familiar. The Kroger grocery store is only a 1/4 mile away, Costco just a couple miles, and Starbucks, 2.5.
The Christmas tree is decorated - with all of our favorite ornaments. The Christmas dishes are unpacked and ready for December 1st. Christmas cards are ready to be mailed, the iPod is loaded with Christmas music - all familiar things we have done at every home.
But then........we meet for lunch at Mark's Feed Store. I visit shops and antique malls on Old Shelbyville Rd. Jim discovers a hotdog place that reminds him of G&L from Muskegon - and he promises to take me. I looked at web sites today and Wild Eggs is calling us to breakfast on Sunday, I am sure. A juried craft show is being held at the local high school - and I will go in search of crafters.
We are Blessed with the familiarity of Old Routines, but Double Blessed to be adding New Routines in this New Location we call Home!
Here's to the Good Life!
The Christmas tree is decorated - with all of our favorite ornaments. The Christmas dishes are unpacked and ready for December 1st. Christmas cards are ready to be mailed, the iPod is loaded with Christmas music - all familiar things we have done at every home.
But then........we meet for lunch at Mark's Feed Store. I visit shops and antique malls on Old Shelbyville Rd. Jim discovers a hotdog place that reminds him of G&L from Muskegon - and he promises to take me. I looked at web sites today and Wild Eggs is calling us to breakfast on Sunday, I am sure. A juried craft show is being held at the local high school - and I will go in search of crafters.
We are Blessed with the familiarity of Old Routines, but Double Blessed to be adding New Routines in this New Location we call Home!
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, November 26, 2012
A Thankful Drive
Jim and I drove "home" for Thanksgiving - the town where both of us grew up in northern Indiana. I have been looking forward to the drive for some time now because I knew we would see the windmills north of Lafayette on Highway 65. The windmills stretch as far as you can see on both sides of the road for about 12 miles. The whole time we were driving through them, Jim and I sat in amazement at the beauty of these towering electric generators which are helping our beautiful earth.
Although we reveled in the beauty of the drive, there is nothing like being with family for Thanksgiving and this long awaited trip revived the appreciation I have for the people who call me daughter, sister, aunt..........., ----but who all call me friend. I am thankful for the drive that brought us all closer for a few days, for the many hugs and kisses given and received, and for a heart that returned home overflowing with love and gratitude.
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Sparking Memories
On Saturday, Jim and I finally hauled everything we own to Louisville. We made two trips to Madison and wrapped the day up with all of our belongings in the same state. To accomplish this we spent 4 hours driving yesterday which allowed us lots of time to check out the radio stations. Jim found a station that is already playing only Christmas music so we sang Christmas Carols until we were bored with those. On the second leg of the trip, Jim pulled up a station for country legends. I rarely listen to country music now, but years ago I knew most of the songs word for word. So I was surprised as these songs came on and I knew them. I still remembered the words, the singer's names but most importantly, what I was doing at the time that I listened to those songs.
The memories that came to me were memories of living in Indiana with our two young daughters. Jim often worked long days and evenings, and on those evenings I would get Jenn & Liz to bed and I would spread fabric out to make dresses for the girls - usually for the holidays such as Easter and Christmas. I would pin and cut and sew and all the time I would be singing along to WJJD country music radio out of Chicago. Tammy, Loretta, Tanya, Conway, Merle, Willie and so many more - making the evening pass quickly and providing entertainment as I spun my creative talents into the fabric.

I don't sew very often these days but I was grateful for the music that sparked these memories. Memories of a young family, memories of sewing with love, memories of music that filled my days and my nights, but most of all, memories that allowed me a glance back in time to see the beauty of my life, and the beauty of Jenn and Liz!
Here's to the Good Life!
The memories that came to me were memories of living in Indiana with our two young daughters. Jim often worked long days and evenings, and on those evenings I would get Jenn & Liz to bed and I would spread fabric out to make dresses for the girls - usually for the holidays such as Easter and Christmas. I would pin and cut and sew and all the time I would be singing along to WJJD country music radio out of Chicago. Tammy, Loretta, Tanya, Conway, Merle, Willie and so many more - making the evening pass quickly and providing entertainment as I spun my creative talents into the fabric.

I don't sew very often these days but I was grateful for the music that sparked these memories. Memories of a young family, memories of sewing with love, memories of music that filled my days and my nights, but most of all, memories that allowed me a glance back in time to see the beauty of my life, and the beauty of Jenn and Liz!
Here's to the Good Life!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A Million Times
I spent most of last week with Liz and her family and I had the most wonderful time. I love and adore spending time with her and Thad and their 3 darling boys and this visit was no exception. The boys are so affectionate and love to be hugged. They love sitting close to me, if not on my lap, and they love having my undivided attention. I often tell them I love them and they always respond with "I love you too!"
One afternoon Tucker was so capturing my heart and I told him I adore you! He paused a moment and then asked what adore meant, and I responded -
I adore you means
Here's to the Good Life!
One afternoon Tucker was so capturing my heart and I told him I adore you! He paused a moment and then asked what adore meant, and I responded -
I adore you means
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Stories I Will Tell.....
I spent the entire day unpacking boxes at our new home in Louisville and this evening we are quite comfortable. We sat at our dinning table for dinner tonight, which we have not done since September. My favorite art from Jenn is hanging in the entry hall. My beautiful salt lamp from Liz is sitting next to my favorite chair, and we are beginning to feel at home.
As I sit here in the comfort of my new home, my mind is already racing to the stories I will tell, the adventures Jim and I will experience, and the roads we will travel.
Life is good with new stories to tell!
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Smells Like Strawberries
The past week has been a whirlwind and I am finally taking a time out to write. Last Friday we packed our moving truck and drove Northwest for 12 hours on Saturday. On Sunday everything went into storage and Jim and I spent a quiet evening in our new "cottage" We spent Monday and Tuesday looking for housing in Louisville and then on Wednesday I headed Southwest to Memphis to spend time with Liz and her family. I have been in Memphis for 5 days now and and in the meantime, Jim has found us a beautiful apartment to live in for the next 10 months. Although I have not seen, the apartment, I know we will soon make it home and I am looking forward to the Northeast drive that will bring me back.
I have been blessed to spend the past several day with my grandsons who I adore and who thrill me more than words can describe. We have shared Halloween candy, told knock-knock jokes, and they all did performances for me on the trampoline. I pushed them on the swing under their big oak tree in the front yard, watched them play kick ball at the field next door, and enjoyed my first trip to Yogurt Nation. I watched (and cheered) Fynn's last soccer game, I took the boys to Johnson Park - just like I use to - and enjoyed family movie night with all. (A totally boy movie!)
Saturday, as I was cleaning up after lunch, Rollin and Fynn ran outside to play in a pile of leaves Thad had made for them. They came running back in to fetch me telling me the leaves smelled like Strawberries. So I put my shoes on and headed for the front yard to see why the leaves in Memphis might smell like strawberries in the Fall. Fynn bent down first inhaling deeply and looked at me with huge brown eyes, telling me "it's your turn, you've got to smell this!" As I leaned down to smell this wonderful strawberry smell that they had been talking about for so long, Rollin exploded from underneath the leaves scaring me--just as planned. And I fell in love again with these wonderful boys who adore me, and love me more than words can describe.
Here's to the Good Life!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Appreciating the Good Stuff
I will be disconnecting my computer later this evening, and I wanted to get one more post before I pack up for the next few days.
Moving day is Friday, and the anticipation is building. I was awake at 2:30 this morning and actually woke John up so that I would have an excuse to go outside and look at the stars. John was not as excited about the view as I was, but it was so worth it. As I came back in the house, I considered setting a lawn chair in the middle of the road so that I could spend the next couple of hours just soaking up the beauty - but the chairs are already in storage in Indiana somewhere, and I was sure I might frighten the neighbors. So, I just fixed my coffee, closed my eyes and imagined the stars again.
I am also looking forward to driving through the mountains on Saturday. It is the perfect time of the year to see the beautiful fall colors, and there is nothing more exhilarating than rounding those curves to more and more beauty each time. When we drive through Kentucky, it feels like we are at the top of the mountains, and as we look over the valleys, it literally takes our breath away.
I am already planning my Sunday morning walk along the Ohio River. I use to make this walk every morning at 5:00. It was such a fabulous walk that Jim began to join me - and he has never walked that early with anyone! That's how fabulous it is!
On Monday I have houses to look at as we start that nesting/settling process one more time. With all of these wonderful things in store, I know the time is going to fly by as I appreciate the now and look forward to the all the good stuff that is coming.
Here's to the Good Life!
Moving day is Friday, and the anticipation is building. I was awake at 2:30 this morning and actually woke John up so that I would have an excuse to go outside and look at the stars. John was not as excited about the view as I was, but it was so worth it. As I came back in the house, I considered setting a lawn chair in the middle of the road so that I could spend the next couple of hours just soaking up the beauty - but the chairs are already in storage in Indiana somewhere, and I was sure I might frighten the neighbors. So, I just fixed my coffee, closed my eyes and imagined the stars again.
I am also looking forward to driving through the mountains on Saturday. It is the perfect time of the year to see the beautiful fall colors, and there is nothing more exhilarating than rounding those curves to more and more beauty each time. When we drive through Kentucky, it feels like we are at the top of the mountains, and as we look over the valleys, it literally takes our breath away.
I am already planning my Sunday morning walk along the Ohio River. I use to make this walk every morning at 5:00. It was such a fabulous walk that Jim began to join me - and he has never walked that early with anyone! That's how fabulous it is!
On Monday I have houses to look at as we start that nesting/settling process one more time. With all of these wonderful things in store, I know the time is going to fly by as I appreciate the now and look forward to the all the good stuff that is coming.
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Coffee For Two!
Each day Jim calls and tells me what he has accomplished today. He is learning to do his own laundry, fix his own coffee, change the sheets, fold the towels, grocery shop and more --- As for me, I am enjoying my own leisurely cup of coffee at 5 in the morning with no interruption, laundry and ironing when I'm good and ready, and just enough groceries for a couple of days- and only the stuff I like.
What I miss are those mornings of conversation, the hugs and kisses that greet me at the end of the day, the never ending question of "what's for dinner" and folding clothes that don't fit me.
I have enjoyed this quiet time, but really, I love spending my days with Jim. I love being his wife and I am looking forward to Friday morning when we have that perfect delicious cup of coffee together and talk about the new day coming.
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Waiting for Home
There is nothing left to pack at my house except my computer and my tooth brush - and both of those will wait just a few more days. My 3rd floor office is empty, my bed stands alone in the master bedroom, and I have only a path from the stairs to the kitchen. Boxes, furniture and plants are stacked higher than I can reach, and the rooms echo softly as I was thru them.
As often as I have moved, I am still amazed at how quickly we make a house a home, and then just as quickly strip the house of everything that made it home. I find that when all of our stuff is packed in boxes and the pictures are removed from the walls, then I no longer feel the attachment to the building.
That is how I feel tonight. This building no longer feels like home and although it is a beautiful building and holds many wonderful memories for both Jim and I, I feel detached as I see each empty room. As I gaze at the boxes and furniture to be loaded up on Friday, I know somewhere, miles and miles away, a new home is waiting.
Here's to the Good Life!
As often as I have moved, I am still amazed at how quickly we make a house a home, and then just as quickly strip the house of everything that made it home. I find that when all of our stuff is packed in boxes and the pictures are removed from the walls, then I no longer feel the attachment to the building.
That is how I feel tonight. This building no longer feels like home and although it is a beautiful building and holds many wonderful memories for both Jim and I, I feel detached as I see each empty room. As I gaze at the boxes and furniture to be loaded up on Friday, I know somewhere, miles and miles away, a new home is waiting.
Here's to the Good Life!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Counting Time
Jim is flying home on Thursday and I am counting the days. Knowing each night of sleep brings the time closer - knowing each day of keeping busy helps the counting go by faster. As I check the days off one by one, I am grateful for the love that has kept us counting time together.
Here's to the Good Life!
Jim is flying home on Thursday and I am counting the days. Knowing each night of sleep brings the time closer - knowing each day of keeping busy helps the counting go by faster. As I check the days off one by one, I am grateful for the love that has kept us counting time together.
Here's to the Good Life!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Learning to Walk with John
When I take John Wayne for a walk each evening, I usually am in a hurry to get back to the house. I need to fix dinner, do laundry, pack more boxes, etc. But again tonight, John reminded me to pause - because life is so good. You see, it is very rare that John will pass a flower and not stop to smell it. So, while I am focused on what I need to get back to, John is enjoying this perfect moment, and this perfect flower. Often, when he gets me up at 3 or 4:00 in the morning, I start off grumbling, but it never fails that I get that rare glimpse of dark sky sprinkled with a million stars. Then I remind myself, again, how much I am learning when I walk with John.
Here's to the good life!
Here's to the good life!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Small Town Feeling
Last night I helped my employer, Rebecca, host a Vacation Showcase at a beautiful Manor. There were over 200 people in attendance, and it was so fun to mingle with everyone. As I walked from room to room chatting with friends, meeting new friends, I recalled that it was just one short year ago that I helped host her first event there and had met most of these people that I now call friends. The feeling was bitter sweet as I realized that I would not see them again, but I consider myself blessed to have known each and everyone.
I did not realize until last night what has happened in the year we have been in North Carolina, but I came to see that this small town welcomed me with open arms and made me feel right at home. Many told me goodbye last night, and with others I just listened to the stories of their lives and their travels. I will leave the Carolinas knowing that this fits perfectly in my Journey and I will treasure these memories and this small town feeling that felt so good to me!
Here's to the Good Life!
I did not realize until last night what has happened in the year we have been in North Carolina, but I came to see that this small town welcomed me with open arms and made me feel right at home. Many told me goodbye last night, and with others I just listened to the stories of their lives and their travels. I will leave the Carolinas knowing that this fits perfectly in my Journey and I will treasure these memories and this small town feeling that felt so good to me!
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, October 15, 2012
A Good Night Call
My phone has rang several times this evening, and I feel like it has been glued to my ear for hours. But that last good night call from Jim makes my heart sing. We are spending some long days with miles and miles between us, but just the sound of his voice still makes everything just right. It reminds me that all is well, and that we are on this Journey together. All these years and all these miles ending every night with a simple Good Night My Love!
Here's to the Good Life!
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Thankful for Diversity
Yogurt and berry parfait at the Ritz Carlton in Charlotte.
Mimosa's and strawberry shortcake in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Fresh coffee and a pecan roll at Panera's in Ayrsley.
Hearts Omelet at Pewter Rose in Charlotte.
Over easy with wheat toast and strawberry jam at Toast in Dillworth.
Anything EXCEPT liver mush at Georgio's in Gastonia.
A perfect Americano and pumpkin bread from Starbucks at the Charlotte Airport.
Mocha Frappe at the McDonald's drive thru in Mount Holly.
Coffee and a donut with sprinkles at Dunkin in Belmont.
All the way from the Ritz to Mickey D's - breakfast (and life) is good with a little diversity thrown in. Thank you, Jim, for insisting that Sunday mornings are for diversity and good food.
Here's to the Good Life!
Mimosa's and strawberry shortcake in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Fresh coffee and a pecan roll at Panera's in Ayrsley.
Hearts Omelet at Pewter Rose in Charlotte.
Over easy with wheat toast and strawberry jam at Toast in Dillworth.
Anything EXCEPT liver mush at Georgio's in Gastonia.
A perfect Americano and pumpkin bread from Starbucks at the Charlotte Airport.
Mocha Frappe at the McDonald's drive thru in Mount Holly.
Coffee and a donut with sprinkles at Dunkin in Belmont.
All the way from the Ritz to Mickey D's - breakfast (and life) is good with a little diversity thrown in. Thank you, Jim, for insisting that Sunday mornings are for diversity and good food.
Here's to the Good Life!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The "L" Word
I have not written in my Journey of Joy for months now, and huge changes are rumbling through our lives. Just when I felt like we would be settling in to North Carolina for years to come, Jim was transferred to Louisville, Kentucky and we are in the process of moving again. The house is (mostly) packed and I am finalizing the details of our lives here.
Most people who know me, consider me to be a professional when it comes to moving, and I must admit that I have a pretty good system (label EVERYTHING) for moving quickly and setting up a new home. Of course, it helps so very much when I am aligned with the Universe and everything flows better than I could even have imagined. As is the case with this move to Louisville. Exciting plans are materializing, and doors are opening. On top of all of this wonderful excitement, Liz and Thad are also moving to Louisville, and I am realizing another dream come true - closer to the family that I love and adore.
Often Jim and I have talked of our moves, not quite sure when/if we would stay anywhere. Sometimes tentative about sinking in our roots if a move might be looming. So I was thrilled/surprised/inquisitive to hear Jim mention the "L" word last weekend. His exact words: Sandy, this might be our LAST move. Now I have used this L word many times. Our move to Florida was my last as was the move to Memphis, as was the move to Knoxville, as was the move to Charlotte. I was confident that Liz and Thad were going to join us here in North Carolina, and we would call this home for many years to come. And yet, there was no hesitation to start the move process again.
I will not hold Jim to the L word because I know, just like he does, we can not say No to life. We are adventurers, and wanderers, and can never turn back when we see a corner just up ahead that we feel we must round. And each and every time we are amazed with the view and the life we create as we continue to move forward.
Here's to the Good Life! Ever changing, ever evolving, ever magnificent!!!
Most people who know me, consider me to be a professional when it comes to moving, and I must admit that I have a pretty good system (label EVERYTHING) for moving quickly and setting up a new home. Of course, it helps so very much when I am aligned with the Universe and everything flows better than I could even have imagined. As is the case with this move to Louisville. Exciting plans are materializing, and doors are opening. On top of all of this wonderful excitement, Liz and Thad are also moving to Louisville, and I am realizing another dream come true - closer to the family that I love and adore.
Often Jim and I have talked of our moves, not quite sure when/if we would stay anywhere. Sometimes tentative about sinking in our roots if a move might be looming. So I was thrilled/surprised/inquisitive to hear Jim mention the "L" word last weekend. His exact words: Sandy, this might be our LAST move. Now I have used this L word many times. Our move to Florida was my last as was the move to Memphis, as was the move to Knoxville, as was the move to Charlotte. I was confident that Liz and Thad were going to join us here in North Carolina, and we would call this home for many years to come. And yet, there was no hesitation to start the move process again.
I will not hold Jim to the L word because I know, just like he does, we can not say No to life. We are adventurers, and wanderers, and can never turn back when we see a corner just up ahead that we feel we must round. And each and every time we are amazed with the view and the life we create as we continue to move forward.
Here's to the Good Life! Ever changing, ever evolving, ever magnificent!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
A Week of Joy
Jenn is coming to North Carolina this week which has just intensified the joy of everything I do and everything I say. I can't wait to hug her beautiful neck and to spend time in her company. As we prepare for her homecoming I am thrilled at even the smallest things we do to get ready - preparing a room for her, stocking up on some of her favorite things, pulling out books I want her to see, fluffing the towels, freshly laundered sheets, all done with tremendous love for this amazing woman that calls me Mom. Truly - a week of Joy!
Here's to the Good Life!
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
A Fun Filled Weekend
I feel like we spent the weekend in a whirlwind of activity. Friday Night Live on Main Street filled with food, music and good drinks. Saturday we spent the day at South Mountain and fell in love again with the beauty of the mountains and the rivers. Sunday we spent some time cleaning and organizing then headed to the driving range for a little golf practice.
But finally I took a few minutes out of my day and unpacked most of my books. I have a new book shelf and I could hardly wait to see all books lined up on the shelves. Some of my books have been packed for a year and I was thrilled as I opened box after box of of books. My beautiful dictionaries are lined across the bottom shelf and I am anxious to flip open their pages. The rest of my books are tiered above in varying heights and widths and I am content just looking at them.
All in all - a fun filled weekend!
Here's to the Good Life!
But finally I took a few minutes out of my day and unpacked most of my books. I have a new book shelf and I could hardly wait to see all books lined up on the shelves. Some of my books have been packed for a year and I was thrilled as I opened box after box of of books. My beautiful dictionaries are lined across the bottom shelf and I am anxious to flip open their pages. The rest of my books are tiered above in varying heights and widths and I am content just looking at them.
All in all - a fun filled weekend!
Here's to the Good Life!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Becoming a North Carolinian
Today Jim and I took another step towards becoming a North Carolinian! We left the house early this morning, stopped at Mc D's for hotcakes and sausages and then headed to the North Carolina Driver's License office. And 59 minutes later we walked out with the privilege to drive all the North Carolina byways!
This makes a total of 5 different states that we have had driver's license issued in our names, and I wonder sometimes if there are more in our future. Beginning in Indiana at the age of 16, then Michigan, (we went back to Indiana for a few years - but who's counting?) then Florida, then Tennessee - which seems like yesterday- and now North Carolina. There was no fanfare today, no big celebration for this little milestone, but I felt happy all day remembering all the roads that led to becoming a North Carolinian today.
Here's to the Good Life!
This makes a total of 5 different states that we have had driver's license issued in our names, and I wonder sometimes if there are more in our future. Beginning in Indiana at the age of 16, then Michigan, (we went back to Indiana for a few years - but who's counting?) then Florida, then Tennessee - which seems like yesterday- and now North Carolina. There was no fanfare today, no big celebration for this little milestone, but I felt happy all day remembering all the roads that led to becoming a North Carolinian today.
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Learning to Breathe
I have been breathing most of my life. At least I assume I have. There are years, in the beginning, that I do not recall, yet somehow I must have been breathing then too. I suppose that just because I don't remember breathing doesn't mean I wasn't.
In my desire to learn to meditate, I now pay attention to my breathing, trying to teach myself to breathe deeply. Sometimes it feels very uncomfortable to breathe deeply and I am not sure that the discomfort is all physical. I have spent the past 2 and a half years learning to meditate, quite the mind, and breathe. So far the sitting still is easy, quieting the mind is coming more naturally, yet the breathing eludes me many times. Not that I stop breathing - I never do - I just don't allow my whole body to fill with the delicious oxygen that my body craves. Surely it is a craving for I have been doing it for so long.
This weekend while we were at the top of Mount Mitchell I could see my breath when I breathed out. Light puffs quickly dissipating before my next breath out. Carried away by the wind, or maybe floating invisibly in front of me waiting for that slight inhale. Sometimes I hear myself breathing as I take those last stairs up to my 3rd floor sanctuary or as I walk the dark neighborhood early in the morning. Occasionally I feel my breathing as my body tries to pull in the oxygen needed as I hurry through my day.
Breathing, I know, is natural to me. It comes without my conscious effort. But, still I wonder what will happen if I learn to breathe consciously. How will it feel to be aware of my breathing? How will it feel to Learn to Breathe?
Here's to the Good Life!
In my desire to learn to meditate, I now pay attention to my breathing, trying to teach myself to breathe deeply. Sometimes it feels very uncomfortable to breathe deeply and I am not sure that the discomfort is all physical. I have spent the past 2 and a half years learning to meditate, quite the mind, and breathe. So far the sitting still is easy, quieting the mind is coming more naturally, yet the breathing eludes me many times. Not that I stop breathing - I never do - I just don't allow my whole body to fill with the delicious oxygen that my body craves. Surely it is a craving for I have been doing it for so long.
This weekend while we were at the top of Mount Mitchell I could see my breath when I breathed out. Light puffs quickly dissipating before my next breath out. Carried away by the wind, or maybe floating invisibly in front of me waiting for that slight inhale. Sometimes I hear myself breathing as I take those last stairs up to my 3rd floor sanctuary or as I walk the dark neighborhood early in the morning. Occasionally I feel my breathing as my body tries to pull in the oxygen needed as I hurry through my day.
Breathing, I know, is natural to me. It comes without my conscious effort. But, still I wonder what will happen if I learn to breathe consciously. How will it feel to be aware of my breathing? How will it feel to Learn to Breathe?
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Knowing it all

I, on the other hand, know quite arrogantly, that Jim loves me beyond measure. He values my company, and is always concerned about my safety. I like to drive fast using all the lanes. I like to use my pocket knife in all directions, I like to size of a hill and then head for the least steep area - therefore not requiring a sideways step, and I like to let Jim walk up the trail first so that I am not hit in the face with spider webs. Oh - and I know the rocks are slippery too - but that's not going to stop me.
But still - as we walked through the mountains yesterday and Jim knowingly gave me directions (for my own safety) I could not help but smile at the love that I knew he felt for me. As we walked high in the Blue Ridge Mountains I marveled at this love that unendingly tries to guide, to protect, and to shelter me.
Yes! I am blessed. And I am wrapped always in the knowing arms of love.
Here's to the Good Life!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Bermuda Dreams
Last night I attended a wonderful dinner hosted by the Bermuda Department of Tourism. Filet Mignon, Red wine, Hazelnut Chocolate Torte and lively conversation.
During the presentation we were shown scenes of the Bermuda beaches and golf courses. We saw pictures of resorts that were more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. Spacious rooms and lobbies, gorgeous restaurants, peaceful spas and so much more.......
Today I am so appreciative for the opportunity to expand my dreaming. Now I dream of staying at these resorts, savoring delicious food at the restaurants, getting a couples massage and sitting on those beautiful pink sand beaches watching a sun rise and a sunset.
Here's to the Good Life!
During the presentation we were shown scenes of the Bermuda beaches and golf courses. We saw pictures of resorts that were more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. Spacious rooms and lobbies, gorgeous restaurants, peaceful spas and so much more.......
Today I am so appreciative for the opportunity to expand my dreaming. Now I dream of staying at these resorts, savoring delicious food at the restaurants, getting a couples massage and sitting on those beautiful pink sand beaches watching a sun rise and a sunset.
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Blessed With A To Do List
Having just moved I have gotten behind on my to do list. Little things slipping through the cracks for days and big things staring me down. So today at lunch break I grabbed my day planner, all my scribbled notes and my cell phone and headed for a quiet spot.
I began making my calls and as the kind lady at the other end assured me that all was well - I had not forgotten anything, a quiet ease came over me as I remembered that things always work out for me. People are always kind to me. I always make my deadlines and I am always greeted with kindness with any of my requests. I always see beauty through out my day. I always make it through my to do list on time.
I relaxed then as I made call after call - knowing all is well - knowing that my to do list had just reminded me of how blessed I really am.
Here's to the Good Life!
I began making my calls and as the kind lady at the other end assured me that all was well - I had not forgotten anything, a quiet ease came over me as I remembered that things always work out for me. People are always kind to me. I always make my deadlines and I am always greeted with kindness with any of my requests. I always see beauty through out my day. I always make it through my to do list on time.
I relaxed then as I made call after call - knowing all is well - knowing that my to do list had just reminded me of how blessed I really am.
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Seis de Mayo
Jim and I took Saturday off and did mostly Nothing! The first time in a long time and it felt good to just be still. However, we knew we were missing Cinco de Mayo so we decided Seis de Mayo would be our day for celebration.
We had dinner tonight at a simple Mexican restaurant. And we let the Universe do it's magic. Bringing to us the perfect outdoor table. The perfect breeze coupled with the perfect drinks. The perfect waitress and delicious food. Lively conversation and dappling sun rays.
All in all - the Perfect 6th day of May!
Here's to the Good Life!
We had dinner tonight at a simple Mexican restaurant. And we let the Universe do it's magic. Bringing to us the perfect outdoor table. The perfect breeze coupled with the perfect drinks. The perfect waitress and delicious food. Lively conversation and dappling sun rays.
All in all - the Perfect 6th day of May!
Here's to the Good Life!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
My 3rd Floor Nest
Jim and I are all moved into our new house and I have set up the 3rd floor for my office. I have a little path from the stairway to my computer with boxes stacked about waist high through out the room. My printer is not connected, my files are not in the cabinet, and desk "stuff" sits in an open box by my feet.
Yet I sit here looking out my window at the horizon of beautiful trees, blackened in the setting sun. I see the lights of an airplane gliding by without sound, and I see shades of gray and black and blue in the layers of clouds blocking my view of the moon.
I do not want to interrupt my evening unpacking boxes, putting files away, and all that stuff. I want to sit here and enjoy for a few moments the beauty outside my 3rd floor nest!
Here's to the Good Life!
Yet I sit here looking out my window at the horizon of beautiful trees, blackened in the setting sun. I see the lights of an airplane gliding by without sound, and I see shades of gray and black and blue in the layers of clouds blocking my view of the moon.
I do not want to interrupt my evening unpacking boxes, putting files away, and all that stuff. I want to sit here and enjoy for a few moments the beauty outside my 3rd floor nest!
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Settling More
Jim and I have spent the past two weeks moving from our apartment to a beautiful 3 story home. This weekend we finally got everything unpacked and put away and we are enjoying the spaciousness and the endless weekend possibilities. Our bikes and kayaks and golf clubs are close by in our garage, as planned. The beautiful kitchen is stocked with all our dishes, the pantry is full of opportunities for creativity, and everyday feels brand new and exciting. Yet, even with the newness we know we are settling in to the wonderful North Carolina living. Mountains to the west, ocean to the east and here we are wrapped in each other's love - enjoying the good life!
Here's to more Good Living!
Here's to more Good Living!
Friday, April 27, 2012
Squirrels Running In Circles
I am blessed to sit by 3 windows in my office with a view of the front yard and walkway flanked by two beautiful huge oak trees. I often get distracted with the activity on Myrtle Street - deliveries, clients and co-workers dashing by my window - to get to work or to book travel. People walking their dogs - or dogs walking their people. Semi trucks backing up to the middle school with precious lunch cargo, and parents lining up at 2:45 to pick up their children. I often see families walking down Myrtle to the Belmont City park - just a half a block a way. I notice the mail person, the Fed Ex guy and UPS one too - each of them trying to memorize my last name as I sign for packages in a scribble that is not discernible - not to them anyway.
And as I pause today because of a flicker of activity to my right, I see two grey squirrels in the middle of Myrtle running in circles, happy as can be. I assume happy as can be - and it gives me joy to imagine their joy - in the middle of Myrtle Street - running in circles. Maybe I should try that too.....
Here's to the Good Life!
And as I pause today because of a flicker of activity to my right, I see two grey squirrels in the middle of Myrtle running in circles, happy as can be. I assume happy as can be - and it gives me joy to imagine their joy - in the middle of Myrtle Street - running in circles. Maybe I should try that too.....
Here's to the Good Life!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Stories to Tell
I have not written for several weeks and often I catch myself thinking of a title for a story. We drove the blue ridge parkway - only a few miles - yet the beauty captured us, heart and soul. We went camping, hiking, sightseeing, and all the while I am thinking of my stories to tell.
Jim and I moved to a new rental home, celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary, planned a trip to Aruba and all the while my joy stories are rumbling around inside me.
My Journey of Joy is really Stories of Joy - moments captured in writing - joy given to words.
Here's to the Good Life!
Jim and I moved to a new rental home, celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary, planned a trip to Aruba and all the while my joy stories are rumbling around inside me.
My Journey of Joy is really Stories of Joy - moments captured in writing - joy given to words.
Here's to the Good Life!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Today John Wayne woke me way too early, but I decided it was a sign that I needed to take my early morning walk. So after taking him outside for his morning routine, I quietly slipped back outside to walk - and I am so glad I did.
I feel so peaceful walking the dark neighborhood. Gazing at the stars, watching airplane lights glide through the sky and all the while feeling great appreciation for my life and for my family. And yes, appreciation for John for waking me way too early so that I would not miss the beauty of the morning.
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Today Jim and I bought a yellow ball for John Wayne and he is learning to push it around with his nose and paws. It is large enough that he cannot bite into it, yet light enough to move easily around the apartment. We have enjoyed much laughter watching John play and prance and scoot the ball around. And again John Wayne has taught us a lesson about enjoying the moments. Whether it's a yellow ball a pat on the head, or a treat tossed for him, you see the joy that John is feeling and he's so willing to share that joy with us.
Here's to the Good Life!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Just an Old Routine
Today Jim and I began again a Sunday afternoon routine. We went to Barnes & Noble for a Starbucks Americano and a Godiva Chocolate Cheese Cake. We have not done this since we left Memphis last May and it brought back wonderful memories of spending a cool afternoon at B&N browsing for books and gifts and sharing that one delicious slice of chocolate heaven. (We always ask for 2 forks)
As we re-create old routines, and create new ones too, I am reminded that we are settling in - making this lovely place more and more the home we envisioned all those months ago when we drove thru the mountains of Tennessee - knowing only that some new adventure awaited us.
Here's to the Good Life!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
The Things We Do For Love
Me getting up to take the dog out so Jim can sleep in
Jim getting up to take the dog out so I can sleep in
Me watching Secretariat one more time so that I can remain Fynn's twin
Jim watching the movies I want to watch
Me serving Jim a fresh hot cup of coffee
Jim making the bed before he goes to work
Me packing Jim's lunch
Jim walking with John Wayne to my office to say Hi
Jim wearing headphones to watch TV
Me wearing headphones to listen to Abraham
Jim helping with a too tight lid
Me holding a screwdriver while Jim climbs the ladder
Jim holding the door for me
Together doing the things we do for love...........
Here's to the Good Life!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Looking Skyward
I walked early this morning to a balmy 52 degrees and clouds covering the beautiful sky. But - just as I was finishing the last few minutes of my walk, the clouds parted showing a midnight blue sky with twinkling stars. I was thrilled for that little "showing off" of nature and especially appreciative as later the sky was completely covered with clouds again
Just a reminder to look sky ward as often as possible because I never know what little surprise is going to be waiting for me.
Here's to the Good Life!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
In Storage
This morning after breakfast and grocery shopping, Jim and I stopped by our storage unit to pick up a few things for the apartment. While I'm sure I know everything that we have in storage, I was still surprised as we opened the garage like door and saw so many things that I had "forgotten". I saw a beautiful chair draped in sheets sitting high on boxes and things. I saw one of our sofas and the pretty throw pillows that make it so comfortable. I saw tables, rugs, antiques, silk plants, flowers, art work and pictures. It literally took my breath away to see and recall all the beautiful things we have in our lives, and I felt such joy to think about the house we will move to some day so that I get to live with all these beautiful things again.
We are comfortable in this cozy little apartment. We have everything we need right now - but I know, waiting just around the corner is so much beauty, so many memories, and so many good things to add to our lives. I am looking forward to unpacking a piece of our lives again!
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
A Walk In The Woods
Jim and I spent the day cleaning house, doing laundry and many more mundane house hold chores. Then we headed to Gaffney, South Carolina for a little shopping and a trip to Starbucks. On the way home we made several detours to check out towns that we had not been to before - always on the look out for a new adventure.
We saw an exit for King's Mountain National Military Park and decided we had time for one more detour before we headed home for dinner. I'm so glad we made this last stop. We drove into the park for a few miles and stopped at the visitor's center. Jim went in to get info about the park - hiking trails, camping, picnic area and so on and I kept John Wayne busy outside. When Jim joined us we realized that we only had 20 minutes before the park closed but really wanted to walk in the woods. So we headed off towards a battlefield area.
The leaves were wet and soft under our feet, the air damp with an afternoon mist. The sky was covered in thick grey clouds, but as we stepped into the woods, a wonderful peacefulness greeted us and I felt great appreciation for the beauty of this place. We walked leisurely along a trail and turned around and headed back to the car - and yet that peacefulness lingered with us. I felt so good that I had spent those short 20 minutes in nature for somehow I felt connected to what so many call God. I felt at one with all the beauty that nature lovingly lays out for us. I felt a peace that transformed my day from joy to JOY! Just by taking 20 minutes to walk in the woods.
Here's to the Good Life!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
A Life of Words
I have been playing tonight with my Kindle as I look at all the books that are available to me. I am thrilled at the possibility of having book with me at all times. I have goose bumps as I type this thinking of my collection of books all on this tiny little electronic device. I thought I would miss having the paper copies, but I realize it is the words I want to possess. These words that give so much detail to our lives. Words that grab your emotions and jerk them right out of your heart. Words that help you see the beauty of something you've never seen.
Yes, it's the words I love having with me, woven in their intricate dance that intrigues me and delights me. And thrills me beyond description.
Here's to the Good Life - punctuated by words!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Book Lover
I received my new Kindle today and I am excited about all the books I am going to read! I have always loved to read and as I young girl I often read under the covers with a flash light. I finished Gone With the Wind at midnight many years ago. For Whom The Bell Tolls and Great Expectations and so many more - wonderful books by wonderful writers. I can hardly wait to download all the favorites to have them with me at all times. Really, this is a dream come true for a book lover!
Life is always good with a good book close by!
Here's to the Good Life!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Today I have been contemplating my chosen birthdate. Wondering what it was like to be so eager, so excited, so exhilarated to be here again. I hope that somehow I will revive that same eagerness, excitement and exhilaration this year for I can think of a million reasons to be here and to be happy!
I feel reassurance knowing that I chose this life. I chose these contrasts and I chose the people I love most. I chose to live in this time when technology moves faster than we can breathe and life races forward. As I mediated this morning I tried to visualize that first day of my life, and while I cannot recall that day clearly, I have so many more that I do recall - days that have guided me on this journey to right here, right this moment. So for now, I am appreciating life and all that is good.
Here's to a Good Life in 2012!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
A Good Year
Jenn and Liz celebrated my birthday with me while I was still in Memphis. They took me for a pedicure and we were blessed to spend time together - just the three of us. Liz gave me a scarf that she had crocheted for me, so beautiful and I have worn it several times already, and they gave me a beautiful Italian leather journal.
Today, being the first day of 2012, I have been thinking about my journal often, and finally, I have come to a decision. This beautiful Journal will be my Journal of Positive Aspects for 2012. I am excited to begin my writings - looking for the best in everything. Finding positive aspects in my every day life. In the ordinary as well as extraordinary. My goal is to see and write positive aspects for the people I love and to focus on positive aspects when I am feeling a little out of sorts. I know when you only focus on the good, you can only draw good to you - and as I said before - I am planning a really, really, really good year this year!
Here's to a Good Life and a Good Year!
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