Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Looking for a puppy.......

Jim has finally decided (almost) that he is ready to commit to having a dog in the family. He is truly a dog lover, and we probably don't have one yet because I am not the dog lover that he is. Yet, I realize that a dog would be good for both of us - actually, people with dogs live 3 years longer than people without dogs! Still.....is 3 years worth it??????

I can picture in my mind Jim playing with his dog. Taking the dog for a ride in Red Fred (his truck). Watching John Wayne movies with the dog snuggled in his lap. Playing fetch indoors and out. Teaching tricks - and excited to show me what the dog can do. Walking around the neighborhood and chatting with all the neighbors with his dog in tow. (Jim is the social butterfly in our family) And then........if the dog is really really good - taking his Sunday afternoon nap with the dog snuggled at his side.

Oh yeah! I can picture all of this! And I know that a cute little puppy is probably in our future. As well as an opportunity for me to be a little more flexible and maybe become a "dog lover" too!

Here's to the Ride!

1 comment:

  1. I always thought I hated dogs. Turns out it's just puppies. Their wonderfully delightful puppiness wears off FAST by the third time they pee on your floor and chew whatever random thing they found to chew.
    I am a shelter dog person. Love me some full or mostly grown dog with manners... at least some. LOL
    But you will get the dog you need...
