Monday, May 24, 2010

Slip Sliding Away

Yesterday our lazy Sunday turned into a family Sunday. Jim, whom I adore, let me sleep until 9:00. But once my feet hit the floor, I was ready for action. I quickly called Liz and invited her to drop the boys off on her way to do some running. While she was at the house, Jim invited her and Thadeus back for chops and brewskies. Happily she accepted and we had a wonderful dinner Sunday night.

Tucker, Rollin and Fynneus spent the afternoon soaking in our garden sprinkler, eating strawberry popsicles on the patio, and making paper airplanes which I found instructions for on the internet! It amazed me how much fun we all had with these paper toys. Tucker and Rollin also learned a new trick of doing summersaults over my living room ottoman, and proudly showed mom and dad. And while I normally don't allow too much activity on the living room furniture, this was too good to not share. They are natural acrobats - thats for sure.

Rollin, who was trying to whistle while we were flying our airplanes in the family room, (It was 90 something outside and just too darn hot to play outside) told me he wanted to take a class to learn how to whistle. I am not much of a whistler myself. My brothers - all three of them -have given me whistling lessons in the past, and I have just decided some of us were born not to whistle. But I love Rollin's attitude.

So today, as I was sorting the mail, I found a flyer for classes. I haven't checked out the schedule yet, I don't even know what is offered, but I have always wanted to learn to speak Spanish. (for my trip to Spain) As I laid the paper aside to look through at a later time, I thought of Spanish lessons. And I thought of whistling. I think the Spanish will definitely be easier for me. Joy is learning something new.

Here's to the Journey!

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