Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today I went to watch Tucker and Rollin play tee ball. Their team is called the Red Birds, and we cheered them on for a double header. It brought back memories of our daughters playing sports and the Joy of cheering for them.

I remember encouraging them and their team mates. Calling everyone I knew by name and even being asked by their friends to cheer for them especially when their parents couldn't come. I remember those times with great clarity and I know now that I savored these moments.

As I watch my daughter watch her sons, I see that specialness that is her family. I hear her call their names and cheer for them. I see her give them a smile or a pat and they are ready to take on the world or at least the next game.

I am grateful that I was able to cheer for Jenn and Liz. I am grateful now, that my cheering days are not over and I get to share the Joy of tee ball with my darling grandsons.

Joy is cheering for the Red Birds! Goooooooooo Red Birds!!!!

Here's to the Journey!

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