Thursday, April 29, 2010
Little Distractions. . . . . . .
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Name That Color......
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Angel Sighting!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
A Day At The Zoo!

Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Honestly - This is a Joyful Day!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
My Letter of Love
Dearest Jim,
I started to go buy an anniversary card this morning, and I remembered that I am a writer. I have the words I want to say to you, I have the emotion and the feelings that you have fostered for the past 36 years. So here is my love letter to you on the same day that I promised, long ago, to love, to honor and to cherish you always.
First and foremost, you mean the world to me. So many times I get caught up in the activities of the day and I forget to look at you. I forget to notice the wonderful man who changed my life. Who inspires my life, and who loves me through everything. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. But, also through the Beauty and the Joy and the Happiness that is our life together.
I love you more than I can express in these words that I put together. I love you with an aching in my soul that our time together will be too short. 100 years would be too short. I love that you saw my beauty long before I did. I love that you reach for me before your eyes (or mine) are open in the morning. I love that you want me to sit with you, even without conversation. I love that you have loved me so much, that you have always provided abundantly for our physical needs of food, clothing and shelter.
I love the father you have been to the two beautiful daughters that you and I created out of love. I love the smell of your shirts after you have worn them for the day, and I always wear your shirt to bed if you are not with me.
I love that you take pride in your workmanship. I love that you are more social than I am. I love that you encourage me to not be afraid.
But the thing I love the most, the thing that takes my breath away, is when you wrap your arms around me. When you kiss me with a passion that 36 years have built. When you desire my body like you did when I was 19 years old. When you can’t wait for me to come back to bed so that we can love. This is what makes my heart ache with love. This is what has never become boring or mundane. This is true love. This is our love.
I love you Jim, and I always will. Happy Anniversary!
Here's to our Journey of Joy!