Sunday, February 19, 2012


Today Jim and I bought a yellow ball for John Wayne and he is learning to push it around with his nose and paws. It is large enough that he cannot bite into it, yet light enough to move easily around the apartment. We have enjoyed much laughter watching John play and prance and scoot the ball around. And again John Wayne has taught us a lesson about enjoying the moments. Whether it's a yellow ball a pat on the head, or a treat tossed for him, you see the joy that John is feeling and he's so willing to share that joy with us.

Here's to the Good Life!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Just an Old Routine

Today Jim and I began again a Sunday afternoon routine. We went to Barnes & Noble for a Starbucks Americano and a Godiva Chocolate Cheese Cake. We have not done this since we left Memphis last May and it brought back wonderful memories of spending a cool afternoon at B&N browsing for books and gifts and sharing that one delicious slice of chocolate heaven. (We always ask for 2 forks)

As we re-create old routines, and create new ones too, I am reminded that we are settling in - making this lovely place more and more the home we envisioned all those months ago when we drove thru the mountains of Tennessee - knowing only that some new adventure awaited us.

Here's to the Good Life!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Life is Good! That's all............ Life is Good!

Here's to the Good Life!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Things We Do For Love

Me getting up to take the dog out so Jim can sleep in
Jim getting up to take the dog out so I can sleep in
Me watching Secretariat one more time so that I can remain Fynn's twin
Jim watching the movies I want to watch
Me serving Jim a fresh hot cup of coffee
Jim making the bed before he goes to work
Me packing Jim's lunch
Jim walking with John Wayne to my office to say Hi
Jim wearing headphones to watch TV
Me wearing headphones to listen to Abraham
Jim helping with a too tight lid
Me holding a screwdriver while Jim climbs the ladder
Jim holding the door for me

Together doing the things we do for love...........

Here's to the Good Life!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Looking Skyward

I walked early this morning to a balmy 52 degrees and clouds covering the beautiful sky. But - just as I was finishing the last few minutes of my walk, the clouds parted showing a midnight blue sky with twinkling stars. I was thrilled for that little "showing off" of nature and especially appreciative as later the sky was completely covered with clouds again

Just a reminder to look sky ward as often as possible because I never know what little surprise is going to be waiting for me.

Here's to the Good Life!