All afternoon I had been working on a picnic. Chicken breasts were marinating. A fresh tomato salad was chilling. Squash and zucchini were brushed with my Veggie Rub. Fresh dinner rolls were waiting for butter. The wine glasses were packed - I just needed Jim to come home from work.
And then the skies opened up! Somehow, I convinced Jim to drive us to the mountains and we headed to our favorite Look Rock picnic area. It continued to rain and we knew there was no protection from the weather - and our chicken had to be cooked!
As we drove up the mountain, we recalled a covered porch with a picnic table at the Look Rock Ranger Station at the entrance to the campground. Jim politely asked the campground manager if we could have our picnic at the covered porch and he was happy to oblige us.
Jim quickly set up the charcoal and began the heated coals. I set the table and opened a bottle of Marietta Old Vine. We toasted our rainy day picnic, enjoyed a delicious meal, and sat and talked for hours. When we arrived home, the skies had cleared and the sun was just fading over the horizon - and we were so thankful that the rain had not kept us from a picnic in the mountains!
Here's to the Ride!