Jim is a member of the MSFF (MidSouth Fly Fishers) Club. Tonight was their monthly meeting and I agreed to join him. I have attended a few fish outings, but not their monthly dinner meeting. We sat down at a table and was joined by 6 others. The couple to Jim's left introduced themselves, (Dianne and Bill) we talked about the upcoming MSFF kayak trip we are going to in Mountain Home, Arkansas, and then I mentioned that we had moved here last fall from Florida. Dianne immediately asked where we were from in Florida, and surprisingly they use to live in Fort Pierce too, years ago.
And for an evening I felt a common thread to some one here in Tennessee. This meeting sparked lively conversation ( my grandsons, her grandchildren) the places we lived, the places we thought we would live, the trips to New York, the change that becoming grandparents has had on our lives, the fun of being married for so many years (36 for me 42 for Dianne). For an evening we were familiar with each others lives. We shared the Joy of times past, but with great satisfaction to be here with our families.
I don't know if or when I might see Dianne again, but for an evening I had a really, really good friend!
Here's to the Journey!