Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Man and His Truck!

Jim realized one of his most fervent dreams today. He drove this bright red Chevy truck home from the dealership in Memphis.

And as I see Jim with his truck, I realize the tremendous love he has for me. For the past few years, because I really, really wanted him too, he drove a Ford SUV. We named her Suv, (pronounced Soove), but Jim has always had a truck, and if it weren't for his great love for me, he would not ever have been without a truck.

But my rationale was that we could all fit in Suv, especially when we lived so far from Liz and her family. I wanted everyone to fit in one car when we all visited. But now that we are living in Tennessee, we can drive more than one car - easily!

I watched him tonight as he took me for a drive, and I swear I could see his heart filling his chest with the pride that only a truck can bring to him. And I saw too, the full extent of his love for me.

I feel very blessed to have the love of this man. And I know he will enjoy driving, polishing, shining this Chevy truck - but he will not ever place it before his love for me. And I will not ever again ask him to make this sacrifice for me. For seeing his Joy brings me my Joy!

Here's to the Journey!

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Beautiful Day!

I have spent the day in so many wonderful activities. Meditating. Lighting Candles. Laundry. Burning Incense. Reading. Reading. Reading. Cooking. More Laundry. Reading. Reading. Meditating. Baking Bread. Eating. Loving.

This is the Good Life!

Here's to the Journey!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A New Dictionary

Our electric was out for a while yesterday, so my computer was shut down and I did not get to write my Joy.

Joy is a new dictionary.

Jim brought me a "new" dictionary yesterday. I knew it was old and I quickly looked in the front for the copyright date. It was printed in 1965 and is Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary by A. Merriam-Webster. I quickly lay the dictionary on my table, opened it to a page and I lay my hand on the pages saying to myself "I want to absorb these words".

I did all of this so quickly that I did not even realize my ritual until it was over. I love words. I love the way we all can use them. We can tell tales and stories of hope, desire, and love. We can manipulate the words of truth or lies until they fit our ears better. I love the expression that they add to our lives, I LOVE words. I love touching a dictionary. I love holding this priceless book with so many words, so many meanings. I love to look up the definition of a regular word that I use all the time. I love the reinforcement the meaning adds to my life. YES - this is the word I was looking for. This is the right word.

Joy (from my 1965 Dictionary) The emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune, or by the prospect of possessing what one desires: Delight.

Joy (from my 2007 American Heritage College Dictionary) Intense and ecstatic or exultant happiness. The expression or manifestation of such feeling. A source or object of pleasure or satisfaction. To take great pleasure, rejoice. To enjoy.

Indeed I have the right words for this Journey of Joy that I have commenced and that I have promised to write. This Journey is everything I hoped it would be, and the Joy is exactly as defined in my dictionaries.

Here's to the Journey!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How The Garden Grows

Last week when we were visiting Jim's mom she gave us a start of flowers. We are not sure what kind of flower they are, but they are very pretty with sage like leaves, and small purple/pink flowers. We finally planted them tonight in a corner of our back yard and in doing so begin to build a story of our garden. A few weeks ago I planted ferns and hostas from my friend, Margo's garden. The ferns were from her mom's garden, and already I am building a story of our garden.

Gardens are always better when friends and family share their plants. So I am going to share some of my plants with Liz, and I especially want to share a piece of Grandma's flowers with her. Then she too will begin to build a garden story.

Joy is sharing the garden.

Here's to the Journey!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I squeezed in 20 minutes of meditation this morning before Fynneus got up. Rollin soon followed and I quickly had my arms wrapped around both of them. I felt indescribable Joy listening to them tell me that they love me. They soon tired of the quiet time and headed upstairs to watch cartoons. It wasn't long before Tucker followed them and then we swiftly moved into our day.

Tennis, kick ball, art work, helping with a few chores and the day passed all too soon. I sit here now, telling Jim the stories of our day, savoring today's bread and wine, and knowing that this indescribable Joy fills my life completely.

Joy is allowing Joy to fill every nook and cranny of my life.

Here's to the Journey!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Early this morning as I sat in quiet meditation, I felt overwhelming appreciation for the beauty of my life.

This evening, as I shared dinner with our grandsons and helped them prepare for bed, I felt overwhelming appreciation for the loves in my life.

And now, as I sit before my computer mulling the Joy of my day, I feel overwhelming appreciation for the day that has passed. And I look forward, with great expectation, to the Joys of tomorrow.

Here's to the Journey!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Father's Day to Remember!

After writing on Friday night, I attended a family reunion on Saturday. I saw lots of aunts, uncles and cousins whom I have not seen in many years and I introduced our daughter Liz and her sons to many of our relatives. Joy is basking in the love of family.

My mom and dad followed us home from the reunion and spent Father's Day with us on Sunday. This was the first time that Dad has been in my home on Father's Day and we all enjoyed the day tremendously. Dad, Jim, and Thadeus each said a Father's Day Prayer before dinner and then we all took turns saying what we appreciated most about our dads. So many beautiful things were said around our dining table and we all agreed that LIFE IS GOOD!

I realize that when I spend time with my parents, I learn things about myself. As I observed them in my home, I felt tremendous love for them, and for the expansion they have caused in my life. I feel great appreciation for the life I have chosen and I have no doubt in my mind that my Journey of Joy has been influenced by them. Joy is knowing that this Journey is the right one for me!

Here's to the Journey!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Good Vibrations!

Jim and I arrived home this morning at 3 am after a whirlwind vacation. Happy to be home, yet so thrilled for the past week of our Journey.

I have to start with the concert we went to a week ago Thursday. We have not been to a concert in many (many) years and I am so glad that we went to this one. Neither Jim or I were very familiar with this band, but we liked a couple of their songs, and on a whim ordered tickets from Ticketmaster. So there we are, listening to music so loud that it vibrates the very core of our beings. At times I closed my eyes so that I could just feel the music. And feel it I did.

Scientist say that everything in our world is made up from vibration, but because we are vibrating at this high intensity we appear solid as does everything in our environment. At this concert, I got a taste of this vibration that makes up me, and I must say it felt fabulous - actually better than fabulous, but I don't know the words for it. I really did feel the very core of my self vibrating. I would love to re-create this feeling, but I'm sure my neighbors would not like that - (I must remember that every couple of years I really should go to a very loud concert). And in the meantime I will just close my eyes every once in a while and remember that Thursday night of Good Vibrations! This is the Good Life.

I have so many more stories to tell - so much Joy pent up from this wonderful week of friends and family - and I will weave my stories soon. But for now I am going to enjoy a glass of wine, some fresh baked bread (Yes! I did it again!) and some very good vibrations that only come from being back home.

Here's to the Journey!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life is Good Today!

We are leaving in a just a few minutes to drive into Memphis to see the Zac Brown Band tonight. Then we are heading north to Michigan. I am going to a Law of Attraction Workshop on Saturday (I am soooo excited) and then we are heading to Michigan to visit very good friend!

Life is Good with Good Friends!!!

Here's to the Journey!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Liz invited Jim and I to join her and the boys for a family bowling night. Thadeus was working and she promised the boys a night of fun. We were thrilled to join them and it was delightful to watch their Joy, their enthusiasm, their love of life as they bowled their little hearts out. We all had a great time and as I looked around me, or as I stepped up to take my turn, I felt such love and appreciation for my life and for my family.

To spend the evening with Jim and Liz and Tucker and Rollin and Fynneus makes my smile stretch from ear to ear. And while I bowled one of the best games I have ever bowled, I knew in my heart that it was just the Joy of my life overflowing and allowing that ball to bounce off of the bumper guards just right to knock the pins down. And I didn't even care that the ball was bouncing around, it really would not have mattered if I did not knock a pin down all night. The important thing was that I was surrounded by love. And there is no better felling than that.

OMG - I baked my 3rd loaf of artisan bread today. Only one word to describe it: Deeeelish!!!!!

Here's to the Journey!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I baked the most delicious french baguette today. Absolutely perfect! It actually spoke my name and asked me to sit with it with a glass of wine - which I Joyfully agreed to.

I am experiencing a new Joy in eating. I am learning to savor the deliciousness of the food I eat. I don't care if the food is carry out, or home made in my beautiful kitchen, I love tasting every bite. Tonight for dinner I sauteed garlic, onions, sweet red pepper, strips of steak and lastly fresh tomato and topped with feta cheese. The aroma from my kitchen filled the house, and when Jim and I sat down to eat, I could only hummmmmmm with delight. I could hear Jim hummmmmmming too as he sliced more of the fresh bread.

I am learning, as I bake my bread, that food is source energy, And in that context, I can't help but feel extravagant Joy for the food I eat. I have learned, while banging around in my kitchen and perusing beautiful recipes, that eating should be pleasurable - not just something I have to do everyday. A new concept: Eating for pleasure - I'm adding that to my Joy list!!

Here's to the Journey!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Artisan Bread

So here is my first loaf of basic artisan white bread. I put too much flour on top and too much corn meal on the bottom, but it was delicious.

And I learned something about myself. I was not very relaxed in the kitchen today - although the nice glass of wine helped - but by then the bread was cooling. I found that I was really stressing over whether or not I was doing it right. I kept wanting to call Liz and ask her if this or that was right - and of course everything was OK.

So I think this bread baking that I am jumping into just may be a wonderful new tool to learn more about myself, to learn to relax in the kitchen - or it just may be a perfect opportunity for a glass of wine every day. Either way - it's win win for me.

Here's to the Journey!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Today Jim and I went to Williams Sonoma and bought my very first - ever - baking stone. We stopped at Kroger and picked up a package of unbleached all purpose flour, kosher salt, corn meal and yeast, and I have all the makings for my artisan bread recipes.

We hurried home and I mixed my first batch, and it is now resting in the fridge. I am so excited to try out the recipes for this beautiful bread. And I am excited in a way that I have never been excited about cooking.

Being the wife and the mother in my family, it has always been my responsibility to provide family meals. And while Jim has helped cook (his specialty was breakfast when our daughters were young) over the years, I have had the main responsibility of making meals and grocery shopping. I can't say that I ever really enjoyed cooking, it was just something that had to be done, and it worked out that it was my job to do it.

But today I am feeling very different. I really, really, REALLY want to make bread. I want to sit with a glass of wine, fresh bread, a pungent, yet delicious cheese and relish the beauty of this feast. I want to listen to Pink Martini or St. Germain Tourist while pre-heating the oven. I want to dance with Jim as the bread bakes, but mostly, I want the JOY of cooking something I don't have to cook. I want to experience the Joy of cooking just because the picture of the bread is soooo beautiful and I want to create this beauty in my kitchen.

This is my Joy - Delicious bread baking in the oven, beautiful music coming from the next room, a crystal glass filled with my favorite wine, Marietta Old Vine Red - and me and Jim slow dancing as the bread cools. This is Joy!

Here's to the Journey!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I love that life gives to you what you expect. I love that life is good! I love that because I expect that life is good - it really, really is!

I am going to Chicago next Saturday for a Law of Attraction workshop! Hip Hip Hurray!!!!

I am going To Chicago next Saturday for a Law of Attraction workshop with Rudy! HIP HIP HURRAY!! HIP HIP HURRAY!

Life is so delightfully good!!!!

Here's to the Journey!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It is always nice to come home after a vacation, no matter how long (or short) we are gone. Our trip to Madison was just 3 nights away from home, but it almost seems like an eternity and almost like it never happened.

While eating breakfast at the farmer's market on Saturday morning, I ran into the attorney I worked with when we lived in Madison. For a moment he thought I was back for good, and his eyes lit up ready to offer me my job back. I made it clear that this was just a visit, and explained our living in Memphis now. His daughter is 16 now and planning to live in China for a year. We exchanged stories, he hugged me goodbye (again) and we all moved on to our day.

Later, Larry Hunt, a rather famous photographer in Madison, snapped our pictures. Margo and I - with a little (as Margo called it) 'tude, and the four of us hugging together. I hope to have a copy emailed to me to share on my blog soon.

And while I still keep smiling as I think of this trip to Madison, I am happy for the Journey that Jim and I have made in the years since. I am happy for the time in Florida and the friendships honed that will last through this lifetime. I am thrilled with the current Journey which has led us to Tennessee. Some days I wake up with great anticipation just wondering what wonderful things will happen this day and where it all will lead. And always, I am enjoying this Journey!

Here's to the Journey!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Joy is Rollin and Fynneus tucked in bed in our guest room, peacefully sleeping. And just before going to sleep, they both told me Angel stories.

I have more to write about our trip to Madison, but tonight, I am basking in my Nanna role and I am holding my breath in the beauty of this moment!

Here's to the Journey!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Weekend To Remember!

We had the most wonderful time in Madison this past weekend, returning home Monday evening. Our beautiful friends, Margo and Jim, gave us a weekend to remember. We started Friday night with dinner at the 605 Restaurant with a great bottle of wine shared by all. Then Saturday morning, we got an early start to the town fountain for breakfast at the farmer's market. After that, it was non-stop shopping until 5:00 that night.

We visited every shop in Madison including the antique malls and even had time for the Hanover Flea Market. Together, Margo and I uncovered some wonderful treasures. We hurried home to clean, polish and shine everything. It was the most fun I've had in a long time, and I came home with beautiful crystal candle sticks, silver plated wine bottle holder, polka dot dessert dishes, a breath taking water pitcher (it is so gorgeous) 4 wine glasses and some matching dishes to sets I had bought in Madison years ago.

We wrapped Saturday up with a few bottles of wine, salad and some delicous bread and cheese from the local Thomas Family Winery, all served in our host's "famous" patio garden. (They were in the Madison Garden Tour a few years ago.)

Sunday was a dinner party with three other couples, and we celebrated our host, Jim's, birthday. We brought Godiva Chocolate Cheese cake, another couple brought homemade ice cream, Margo made a delicious fresh berry dessert to go with, and we were all in heaven. Add Plungerhead wine to the menu, and it was divinely delicious!

Jim and I both came home floating on air. It is with tremendous Joy that we look back at the friends we have made on our path to here. And Joy is spending time with these good friends.

And it is with great anticipation and Joy that I am looking forward to the friendships we will make on this Tennessee leg of our Journey.

Here's to the Journey!