We had (per Jim's request) a very old traditional Sunday Dinner. Fried chicken, garlic mashed potatoes with homemade gravy, homemade biscuits, steamed vegetable medley and fresh ice tea.
Preparing for and sitting down to this wonderful dinner brought back many memories of my childhood. I can hardly recall a Sunday afternoon that my Mom did not make fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and biscuits. And during the summer fresh sliced tomatoes. Our family would all pile in the car after Sunday school and church, and head home for dinner. Many times we would stop and pick up the Sunday Paper, and many more times aunts, uncles and cousins would stop by for dinner too.
Growing up our family almost always sat down together for dinner. That is a tradition that I continue to this day. Jim and I still sit together for dinner, even though it is just the two of us. I know that the tradition my Mom and Dad started for their family many years ago benefited my family too.
Sharing our Sunday family dinner today with Liz and her family was thrilling. And even though my grandsons liked the cherry vanilla ice cream and organic chocolate cookies the best, I know they enjoyed dinner with us. And they will remember these family dinners at Nanna's house with Joy.
My recipe for a good dinner: Good food, good friends and family, and lively conversation.